Music, Dalcroze/Eurhythmics (MUDE)

MUDE 100. First Year Eurhythmics Lab. 0 Unit.

First-Year Eurhythmics Lab is an experience designed to provide additional support for students as they take Eurhythmics I as first-year students. This class will allow students to review for Eurhythmics I assessments and seek clarification as needed. Materials will be presented aurally, visually, and kinesthetically to provide an immersive rhythmic experience. Coreq: MUDE 101.

MUDE 101. Eurhythmics I. 0 Unit.

Physical expression of rhythm in which large bodily movements form the reference for rhythmic analysis. Study of pulse, meter, patterns, crossrhythms, improvisation, rhythmic canons, and bodily coordination emphasizing proper tension and relaxation. Recommended preparation: MUTH 003.

MUDE 102. Eurhythmics II. 0 Unit.

(See MUDE 101.)

MUDE 501. Special Reading (M.M. and M.A.). 1 Unit.