Engineering Physics, BSE
Rockefeller Building (7079)
Phone: 216.368.4017; Fax: 216.368.4671
Xuan Gao, Professor of Physics and Program Director
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE)
Major: Engineering Physics
The Engineering Physics major allows students with strong interests in both physics and engineering to concentrate their studies in the common areas of these disciplines. The Engineering Physics major prepares students to pursue careers in industry, either directly after undergraduate studies, or following graduate study in engineering or physics. Many employers value the unique problem-solving approach of physics, especially in industrial research and development. Its engineering science and design components prepare students to work as professional engineers.
Students majoring in engineering physics complete the Engineering Core as well as a rigorous course of study in physics. Students select a concentration area from an engineering discipline and must complete a sequence of at least four courses in this discipline. In addition, a senior research project under the guidance of a faculty member is required. The project includes a written report and participation in the senior seminar and symposium.
The Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree program with a major in Engineering Physics is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the commission’s General Criteria with no applicable program criteria.
The mission of the Engineering Physics program is to prepare students for careers in engineering where physics principles can be applied to the advancement of technology. This education at the intersection of engineering and physics will enable students to seek employment in engineering upon graduation while providing a firm foundation for the pursuit of graduate studies in either engineering or physics. The Engineering Physics program will develop sufficient depth in both engineering and physics skills to produce engineers who can relate fundamental physics to practical engineering problems and will possess the versatility to address new challenges in our rapidly changing technological base. The program will provide a curriculum and environment to develop interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical and professional outlooks, communication skills, and the tools and desire for life-long learning.
Program Educational Objectives
- Graduates of the Engineering Physics program will apply their strong problem-solving skills as physicists along with competence in the approach, methods, and requirements of engineering and engineering design for a successful career in advancing technology.
- Graduates of the Engineering Physics program will use their strong skills in problem-solving, research experience and knowledge in physics and engineering as successful graduate students and researchers in highly ranked graduate programs.
Learning Outcomes
As preparation for achieving the above program educational objectives, the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree program with a major in Engineering Physics is designed so that students attain:
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
- an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
- an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
- an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
- an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
- an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
- an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Co-op and Internship Programs
Opportunities are available for students to alternate studies with work in industry or government as a co-op student, which involves paid full-time employment over seven months (one semester and one summer). Students may work in one or two co-ops, beginning in the third year of study. Co-ops provide students the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience in their field by completing a significant engineering project while receiving professional mentoring. During a co-op placement, students do not pay tuition but maintain their full-time student status while earning a salary. Alternatively or additionally, students may obtain employment as summer interns.
Undergraduate Policies
For undergraduate policies and procedures, please review the Undergraduate Academics section of the General Bulletin.
Accelerated Master's Programs
Undergraduate students may participate in accelerated programs toward graduate or professional degrees. For more information and details of the policies and procedures related to accelerated studies, please visit the Undergraduate Academics section of the General Bulletin.