Academic Policies + Procedures

Regulations and Rules of Conduct

The Academic Regulations of the School of Law are provided to each student upon matriculation through the law school’s website.  Any questions or concerns regarding Academic Regulations should be address to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Academic Services Office at the law school.

In addition to the university’s rules of conduct, law students are expected to comply with the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Professional Responsibility and Model Rules of Professional Conduct, to the extent that these are applicable, and with the law school’s own Code of Conduct. The Model Code and Model Rules are available in the law library. The school’s Code of Conduct, like the Academic Regulations, is provided to each student upon matriculation through the law school’s Intranet website.

Regular class attendance, a high degree of preparation for class, a high degree of participation in class discussions, and diligent execution of class exercises or assignments are required of every student. At the option of the instructor and after notification to the student, one who violates this regulation shall be withdrawn from the course, and the grade WF shall be entered on the student's transcript.