Applied Data Science, Minor

312 White Building (7204)
Phone: 216.368.4230; Fax: 216.368.3209
Roger French, EMSE / CSE Faculty Director (ADS)

Program Overview

The Applied Data Science program, based in the Case School of Engineering, includes faculty from schools across the university and provides courses in applied data science for undergraduates and graduate students from across the schools of the university.  The Applied Data Science program is directed to undergraduate and graduate students studying in the domains of Engineering and Physical Sciences (including Engineering, Energy and Manufacturing, Astronomy, Linguistics, Geology, Physics, and Chemistry), Health (including Translational and Clinical), Business (including Finance, Marketing, and Economics), and Social Sciences.

Successful completion of the Undergraduate Minor in Applied Data Science requirements leads to a "Minor in Applied Data Science" for the graduating student. The minor represents that the students have developed knowledge of the essential elements of Data Science and Analytics in the area of their major (their domain of expertise). 

Additionally, the Applied Data Science courses are offered as DSCI 4xx graduate level classes, in which graduate students additional work on a semester project related to their domain area or thesis research topic. 

Undergraduate Policies

For undergraduate policies and procedures, please review the Undergraduate Academics section of the General Bulletin.