Biology, BA

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Major: Biology

Program Overview

The Biology BA degree program provides a general background in biology and has the most flexible scheduling of the three biology degrees offered. It is especially recommended for students who are pre-professional, have multiple majors, intend to study abroad or participate in an internship program, or have significant extracurricular commitments (e.g., varsity athletics, student government, Greek life, or other campus involvement). Since the Biology BA degree does not formally require undergraduate research, students interested in graduate research careers should plan to take at least one semester of undergraduate research as an elective (BIOL 388 or BIOL 388S) sometime during the senior year.

The Biology, BA has a core of foundation courses and provides options for specialization in a variety of areas, including biotechnology and genetic engineering, molecular and cellular biology, genetics, immunology, chemical biology, physiology and biophysics, neurobiology and animal behavior, developmental biology, population biology, ecology, and environmental science. Individual research projects form a significant part of the curriculum. Advanced biology majors may register, with permission, for graduate-level courses in the department and in the School of Medicine.

Ordinarily, all students begin their biology programs in their first year.


Biology faculty advisors are assigned to students at the time of major or minor declaration. All biology majors are required to meet with their departmental advisors at least once each semester to discuss their academic program, receive clearance for electronic course registration, and obtain approval for any drops, adds, or withdrawals. Please contact the undergraduate coordinator for the Department of Biology for information about major or minor declaration.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of fundamental biological concepts, including those inmolecular, cellular, organismal, ecological, and evolutionary biology.
  • Studnets will be able to make key observations,propose hypotheses, design experiments to test hypotheses and develop models to generate predictions, collect and analyze data, and draw appropriate conclusions.
  • Students will be able to critically analyze published scientific research in the biological sciences, connecting previously learned information to current research.
  • Students will be able to communicate biological ideas, arguments and experimental data both in oral and written forms to diverse audiences ranging from experts to lay persons.
  • Students will be able to synthesize biological principles across other fields of science to arrive at holistic conclusions based on sound rationale, data, or modeling approaches. In addition, students will be able to contextualize biological discoveries on society and understand ethical implications of research.

Teacher Licensure

Students admitted to Case Western Reserve University prior to Fall 2024 can declare a second major in Teacher Education and prepare for licensure in Adolescent to Young Adult (grades 7-12) in any one of the following areas: Integrated Language Arts (English major), Integrated Social Studies (history major), Integrated Mathematics (mathematics major), Life Science (biology major), or Physical Science (chemistry or physics major); or 2) Multi-Age (grades preK–12) in French, Spanish, or Latin. Eligible students interested in the teacher education program should refer to the General Bulletin for the year they entered Case Western Reserve University for the specific program requirements. 

Undergraduate Policies

For undergraduate policies and procedures, please review the Undergraduate Academics section of the General Bulletin.

Accelerated Master's Programs

Undergraduate students may participate in accelerated programs toward graduate or professional degrees. For more information and details of the policies and procedures related to accelerated studies, please visit the Undergraduate Academics section of the General Bulletin.